Salvatore Bianco
Personal Information
Address | Via Poggio di Venaco, 30 – 00122 Rome Italy |
Telephone(s) | +39 06 56 27 806 |
Mobile | +39 334 65 95 307 | | |
Nationality | Italian |
Date of birth | 13/01/1962 |
Gender | Male |
Education and training
1992 Specialization in Angiology (cardiovascular medicine) with full marks 50/50 – University of Catania (Italy)1988 Degree in Medicine cum laude – University “La Sapienza” Rome (Italy)
1980 Latin Greek High School – Liceo Ginnasio Statale “T. M. Plauto” Rome (Italy)
Personal skills
Italian Mother tongueLanguages | Understanding | Speaking | Writing |
English | Listening C2; Reading C2 | Spoken interaction C2; Spoken production C2 | C2 |
Français | Listening C2; Reading C2 | Spoken interaction C2; Spoken production C2 | C2 |
Work experience
January 2020 – present: Director, Clinical ExpertAKROS Bioscience srl, piazza Aldo Moro 20/D 00071 Pomezia (RM) Italy
April 2014 – November 2019 Partner & Associate
AKROS Bioscience srl, piazza Aldo Moro 20/D 00040 Pomezia (RM) Italy.
December 2012 to March 2014: Head of Clinical Development
ACRAF SpA – Piazza della Stazione snc S. Palomba 00040 Pomezia (RM) Italy.
October 2006 to November 2012: Post Marketing Trial Manager Servier Italia SpA, Via L. Passi 85 00166 Roma Italy.
October 2004 to September 2006: Group Product Manager
Servier Italia SpA, Via L. Passi 85 00166 Roma Italy.
July 1997 to September 2004: Product Manager
Servier Italia SpA, Via L. Passi 85 00166 Roma Italy.
July 1991 to June 1997: Head, Medical Department
CIBA Vision Ophthalmics, Via del Commercio 36 Roma Italy.
September 1990 to June 1991: Medical monitor
ACRAF SpA – Piazza della Stazione snc S. Palomba 00040 Pomezia (RM) Italy.
Additional information:
- 2019 – Present, Visiting Professor at University of Rome “Tor Vergata” Faculty of Biotechnology, course on Regulatory framework and development of Medical Devics.
- 2014 – Present, Lecturer at the “Master on Quality Systems: GxP and ISO” Sacred Heart Catholic University, Rome, Italy.
- 2015, Lecturer at the “Master on Clinical and Biostatistical Methodology Applied to Clinical Trials” University of Camerino, Italy.
- 2012-2014, Lecturer at the “Master on Drug Development” Sacred Heart Catholic University, Rome, Italy.
Memberships and Scientific Affiliations
Italian Society of Nutraceuticals (SINUT)Italian Society of Pharmaceutical Medicine (SIMeF), member of the Board
Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF)
Italian Society of Toxicology (SITOX)
Publications and Posters
- Bianco S, Todini AR, Fabiani F, Bartolo M « Modifications Hémorhéologiques chez les sujets atteints d’artériopathie oblitérante des membres inferieurs avant et après un test d’effort musculaire ». Journal des Maladies Vasculaires, 15, 291-295,
- Virno M, Taverniti L, Voccia L, Bianco S “Diclofenac sodico 0,1% versus clobetasone 0,1%: esperienza clinica nel trattamento delle congiuntiviti reattive non settiche” Rivista di Oftalmologia, 1, 3: 9-12 1993.
- Taverniti L, Pannarale L, Voccia L, Bianco S “Studio sperimentale comparativo degli effetti di idrossipropilmetilcellulosa ed acido ialuronico ad alto peso molecolare iniettati in camera anteriore”. Bollettino di Oculistica, 3, 1994. 3
- Pecori Giraldi J, Bianco S, Casali M, Scalfati M, Bonamartini D, “Metipranololo allo 0,1%: efficacia e tollerabilità a lungo termine nell’ipertensione oculare e nel glaucoma sine ipertensione”. Bollettino di Oculistica, n. 2,
- Italian Diclofenac Study Group: “Efficacy of diclofenac eyedrops in preventing postoperative inflammation and long-term cystoid macular oedema” J. Cataract Refract Surg; 23: 1183-1189, 1997.
- Tottone S., Di Maggio M., Bianco S.M., Nunziata A.; “Improvement of Contact Lenses Tolerability by an Innovative Lens Care Solution: Releasy yal comfort™” – Poster at 29th National Meeting Federottica, Rimini April 24th – 26th,
- Bianco S, Nunziata A: “Clinical Investigations on Medical Devices: ICH vs. ISO GCP rules”. Poster at the Mono-thematic SIF meeting on clinical research Naples, Oct. 2nd-4th, 2014.
- Grifa R, Pozzoli G, Bianco S.: “Clinical Investigations of Medical Devices, Regulatory Framework and Methodological Specificities”. Poster at the XV Italian Hungarian Symposium on Spectrochemistry Pharmacological Research and Analytical Approaches, Pisa June 12th-16th201
- Bianco, P. Mancini, A. Nunziata: Development within the European Union of medical devices incorporating ancillary medicinal substances, Microchem. J. (2016),
- Bianco S, Nunziata A, Pozzoli G. Clinical investigations on medical devices, after the new European regulation (2017/745). Clin Trial Pract Open J. 2017; 1(1): 10-14.10.
- Bianco S, Mancini P, Nunziata A. Development within the European Union of medical devices incorporating ancillary medicinal substances Microchemical Journal 136 (2018) 275–278
- Bianco, A. Nunziata: Importance of adherence to treatment in Cardiovascular Diseases and interventions for its improvement Poster at the 38th Meeting of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Rimini, Oct 25th 28th, 2017
- Nunziata, S. Bianco, S. Maione, F. Guida: Pathological gambling, new therapeutical approach Poster at the 38th Meeting of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Rimini, Oct 25th 28th, 2017
- Bianco, A. Nunziata: Toxicological Assessment of Herbal Products Poster at the 18th Meeting of the Italian Society of Toxicology, Bologna, April 10th 13th, 2018
- A. Nunziata, S. Bianco, I.Andreini “Preclinical Evaluation in the Light of New Regulations (European Regulation MDR 2017/745 and ISO 10993-1/2018)” SITOX Bologna February 2020.
Oral Presentations
- Bartolo M, Feliziani M, Todini AR, Bianco S. “Su alcuni parametri statistici delle popolazioni in regime di ricovero specialistico ospedaliero”. 6th National Meeting of Società Italiana di Flebologia Clinica e Sperimentale, Rome November 8th-11th 1989.
- Todini AR, Izzo A, Bianco S, Cancellieri M, Bartolo M. “Rilievi laser doppler e capillaroscopici in soggetti affetti da ipertensione venosa” 6th National Meeting of Società Italiana di Flebologia Clinica e Sperimentale, Rome November 8th-11th 1989.
- Bianco S. “Studi Post Marketing (SPM) Conciliare le diverse esigenze aziendali”, SSFA Meeting, Studi Post-Marketing Rome March 6th , 2009.
- Bianco S. “Post Marketing Studies, added value and methodology specificities”. Italian E-Pharma Day Milan April 20th 2009.
- Bianco S. “DSMB and Study Management Towards a Better Integration” Italian E-Pharma Day Milan April 12th 2011
- Bianco S. “L’evoluzione del Dipartimento Medico come funzione aziendale integrate”. Sacred Heart Catholic University, Master in pre-clinical and clinical development of drugs. Rome, May 26th 2012.
- Bianco S. “Medical Department an integrated Company Function”. Sacred Heart Catholic University, Master in pre-clinical and clinical development of drugs. Rome, June 3rd 2013, and new edition June 14th 2014.
- Bianco S. “Quality in Clinical Trials, the point of view of the clinical development” Sacred Heart Catholic University, Master GXP, GCP and ISO. Rome July12th 2014.
- Bianco S. “Strategic use of Observational Studies”: SSFA meeting of Working Group on Observational Studies, Milan Oct 2nd 2014.
- Bianco S, Nunziata A. “Disegno dello studio, scelta degli obiettivi, selezione e stratificazione dei pazienti”. National Meeting of the Low Vision Academy, Rome October 3rd, 2015.
- Bianco S, Nunziata A. “Device or Not Device: challenges in the development of products containing mechanically and pharmacologically active components”. 37thNational Meeting of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Naples October 27th – 30th 2015.
- Bianco S, Nunziata A. “Sugar and Spice: Specificities of clinical evaluation of food supplements and herbal products”. 37th National Meeting of the Italian Society of Pharmacology, Naples October 27th – 30th 2015.
- Bianco S, Nunziata A. “Development of Medical Devices Containing Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients”, XV Italian Hungarian Symposium on Spectrochemistry Pharmacological Research and Analytical Approaches, Pisa June 12th-16th 2016.
- Bianco S, Nunziata A. “What Makes a Good Research, What Makes a Good Abstract”. XVII National Meeting of the Low Vision Academy, Mondello Sept. 30th-Oct 1st, 2016.
- Bianco S, Nunziata A. “Cohort and Case-control studies”. XVIII National Meeting of the Low Vision Academy, Rome Sept. 29th-30st, 2017.
- Bianco S, Nunziata A. “The Clinical Evaluation after MEDDEV 2.7/1 R.4 a radical change in the evaluation of Medical Devices” University of Milan, Workshop on Clinical Investigations with Medical Devices, Milan, 11th 2018.
- Bianco S., Le Donne M., Nunziata A. “An important Milestone in the Assessment of Herbal Preparations” Presentation at the National Meeting of Italian Society of Nutraceuticals Bologna May 30th June 1st 2019.
- Bianco S., Le Donne M., Nunziata A. “Ginkgo Biloba, a victim of questionable toxicological studies?”Presentation at the National Meeting of Italian Society of Nutraceuticals Bologna May 30th June 1st 2019.